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with AI-driven insights

Connect your marketing tools. Chat with your data.
Get the answers you need to grow your business. All in one platform.
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Data analytics made simple
Data in, results out. Just let AI do the work.
Unique Business Data
Connect All Your Data Sources
Easily integrate with Google Analytics, Google Ads, Search Console, Meta Ads, MailChimp, and more to have all your data in one place.
AI Assistant
Chat with Your Data
Have a question? Simply ask our AI assistant. Whether it’s understanding why conversions dropped or finding growth opportunities, get professional answers in seconds.
AI Insights
Get Actionable Recommendations
Stop guessing and start making data-driven decisions. Ranalyze AI provides tailored recommendations to help you optimize performance and achieve your business goals.
Build Custom Dashboards
Create personalized dashboards that fit your unique business needs. Visualize your most important metrics, track KPIs, and monitor performance - all in one convenient view. Share with your team.
How It Works
Improve your business performance in 3 easy steps.
No code needed. No complex integrations.
Sign Up and Connect
Easily sign up and connect your existing data sources and marketing tools in just a few clicks.
Ask Your Questions
Have a question? Ask our AI assistant anything - from why conversions dropped to the best time to send your emails.
Get Insights & Take Action
Receive real-time insights and recommendations tailored to your business, so you can take action immediately.
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